luni, 26 octombrie 2009

Cazare in Timisoara

Timisoara ca oras ofera o groaza de atractii turistice. Bastionul (care acum e in refacere), vechile cladiri ca Domul Catolic, Catedrala Mitropolitana, Opera, vechile cladiri din centru, Teatrul German, Teatrul Maghiar si chiar Sinagoga din Piata Traian. Mai sunt si altele e clar.

Dar dupa ce le vizitezi trebuie sa mai si stai pe undeva. Trebuie sa iti cauti cazare in timisoara. Sunt o groaza de hoteluri si pensiuni prin oras, unele mai mici, altele mai mari, altele de 5 stele, altele dubioase.

Cele mai "ocupate" zone din punct de vedere al hotelurilor sunt calea Lugojului, in directia Recas - Lugoj, zona Aurora si zona din spatele facultatilor.

duminică, 11 octombrie 2009

Praid (Parajd)

Praid (Parajd) is a village in Romania in Harghita County, Transilvania, famous for his salt mine that has been exploited for a long time.

The town is located on Tarnava river on Gurghiu mountains in praid colines at 525 m altitude ( the salt massive had 580 m)

In Praid it was open an undeground salt town that had a lot of atractions for tourists. Also the saline air from the mine make it perfect for the people that have breathing problems like astma.

How do you get there ? Well, you can come from Targu Mures on Balauseri and then continue to DN13 from Balauseri - Sovata - Praid - Odorheiul Secuiesc and Miercurea Ciuc or DN13B from Gheorghieni. The village is near Sovata (8 km), another very well knows vacation location.

And a bonus picture: the salt mine
Fişier:Parajd sóbánya.jpg

luni, 5 octombrie 2009

Turnu Magurele

Turnu Măgurele is a municipality in Teleorman County, Romania (in the informal region of Wallachia). Developed nearby the site once occupied by the medieval port of Turnu, it is situated north-east of the confluence between the Olt River and the Danube.

A ferry plies across the Danube to the Bulgarian city of Nikopol. There are some vestiges of a Roman bridge across the Danube, built in 330 by Constantine the Great. It is build in the Danube plain in a fertile land called Burnas plain. At 4 km south-west from it the river Olt joins the Danube. Its medium altitude is 33m above sea level.

The name of the city means "Hill Tower" in Romanian, in reference to the defense-wall tower of a fort built on the spot by Byzantine Emperor Justinian I in 6th century (ruins of the facilities can still be seen).

The town was occupied by the Ottoman Empire in 1417, towards the end of Prince Mircea I's rule, and, like Giurgiu and Brăila, constituted a kaza on the left bank of the Danube.